[TxMt] tying external action to actions in Textmate

Cliff Pruitt lists.cpruitt at cliffpruitt.com
Thu May 24 13:32:26 UTC 2007

:-)  Well, yeah I did read the _extensive_ documentation in the  
manual about plugins (j/k) but I was just curious if someone that had  
gone through the process had volunteered any "getting started"  
advice.  For example the code browser plugin deals with the current  
document which means it must somehow read the documents contents.  I  
know there are plenty of tools & ways to have Cocoa tell you what's  
going on, but for a beginner that's getting in a little in over my  
head at the moment.  Maybe plugins will have to wait until I am a  
little further down the road with Cocoa.

I can't quite even figure out how to make sense of the stinkin  
debugger yet. ;-)

- Cliff

On May 23, 2007, at 6:13 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> On 23. May 2007, at 21:11, Cliff Pruitt wrote:
>> On May 23, 2007, at 1:43 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
>>> There is no system for this, but it could probably be done by  
>>> creating a TM plug-in which observes the right conditions.
>> Hmmm... Is there a good place to get any info on developing TM  
>> plugins?  I've seen plenty for bundles but not much of anything on  
>> plugins.  I'm just moving more into Cocoa & I'd like to "fiddle"  
>> with a plugin if I can find some info on it.
> Well, the manual: http://macromates.com/textmate/manual/ 
> appendix#plug-in_api
> Though it basically says there is no API ;)
> Creating plug-ins require a fair bit of knowledge about the Cocoa  
> framework, as TM itself doesn’t add to it, but rather relies on you  
> to know your way around this framework, and how to “hack” it to  
> inject your code in the proper places -- that said, on the plug-in  
> ML I do give out internal info whenever it helps people achieve  
> their goals, but I do not promise to keep the APIs the same for 2.0  
> (which should make things a bit more open to plug-in developers).
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