[TxMt] Appearance of HTML Output "isBusy" indicator?

Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) oblivious at subtlegradient.com
Fri May 4 23:54:54 UTC 2007

On May 4, 2007, at 11:21 AM, Steve King wrote:

> Is there some way to control the appearance of the spinning  
> progress indicator on the HTML output pages?  Some CSS, maybe?  I'm  
> writing a command using the standard themes given by webpreview.rb,  
> but the spinner is practically invisible.  I don't want to turn it  
> off (I know about TextMate.isBusy) or make any drastic changes,  
> just change the color.
> -- 
> Steve King, <steve at narbat.com>

It's defines in the nib itself, layered on top of the html view.  
There's nothing in the HTML view you can do to change it's appearance :(

	thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — sixteenColors
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