[TxMt] textmate can't find ruby.

Grant Hollingworth grant at antiflux.org
Wed Jan 17 16:46:17 UTC 2007

* aaron smith <beingthexemplarylists at gmail.com> [2007-01-17 09:38]:
>it's weird.. if I run ruby from the command line or irb it works fine.. But
>textmate compains about not finding it. (when using the Subversion bundle).
>Textmate says it's searching all these different directories (one happens to
>actally have ruby in it). but Textmat still can';t find it..

See especially the paragraph marked "Important".

The easiest fix for Ruby is to add a TM_RUBY environment variable in TextMate's preferences (under Advanced → Shell Variables).

>on other thing I noticed.. is that if i do a >>whereis ruby<< it doesnt show
>anything.. I'm thinking that's the problem but how do I fix it..

That is odd.  whereis reports /usr/bin/ruby on my machine, which is Apple's stock Ruby.  whereis only searches standard directories.  If you try 'which ruby' instead, it should find the version you installed.

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