[TxMt] Re: Using TextMate to create Multiple Choice Tests

Zeitler Andreas zettt at macbay.de
Wed Jan 10 18:05:50 UTC 2007

>> Hi out there,
>> Sorry to disturb you during Steve is showing the new iPhone. But i
>> have a little question. I am using TextMate to compile my LaTeX
>> Documents. I was just asking if i can use LaTeX to create a Test or
>> Quiz. And yes you can! If you are using the package exam. So i was
>> downloading some examples hit Command+R and the compiler said that
>> he is missing some exam.sty
>> Can someone help me out?
> It is possible you don't have the exam package installed. Try running
> this on the terminal and see if you get something back:
> locate exam.cls
> Btw, exam is not a package, it is a document class, so you should
> access it via:
> \documentclass{exam}
> ......
> There is a TextMate Template creating a basic exam for you (File ->
> New From Template -> LaTeX -> Exam). Here you can find documentation
> for the class: http://www-math.mit.edu/~psh/#ExamCls

You're right. When i am in the \documentclass {exam} it will do the job.

My exam.cls is located at

I know whats wrong now. The example.tex Files ive downloaded had  
these information in the preambel:
%%%% If you are not using LaTex2e, replace the first two lines
%%%% with the following:
\paper{445.123 FC}
\degree{BA, BSc etc}
\title{An introduction to basic set theory}
\note{Attempt any {\bf THREE} questions}

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