[TxMt] Slow osascript in drag command

Dr. Drang drdrang at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 20:11:09 UTC 2007

On Dec 18, 2007, at 12:39 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> This is just a hunch, but maybe holding down the option key has AB  
> do something special.
> Try e.g. swap the behavior of what to do when option is held/ 
> released and/or try another modifier key, see if that changes things.

No, the Option key has nothing to do with it. I changed the drag  
command to

       uid=`cat "$TM_DROPPED_FILE" |\
       awk -F: '/^X\-ABUID/\
       {printf "%s:ABPerson", substr($2,1,length($2)-1)}'`
       osascript $HOME/bin/abname.scpt "$uid"

and it still takes 20+ seconds to run when dragging a card directly  
from Address Book.

As I said in my message yesterday, dragging a card from AB doesn't  
work at all in Leopard, so maybe this isn't worth pursuing.

Dr. Drang

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