[TxMt] Color picker for CSS/HTML coding

Adam Salter adam.q.salter at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 06:27:28 UTC 2007

Hey all,
I'm just wondering about a question that seems pretty logical...

It was raised in the mailing list quite a while ago I think:

Basically I was doing some css editing and i did a backgound-color and  
thought maybe there is a quicker way to select the HTML color...

The attachment discussed on the list seems to do exactly what I want  
(but for awk, if i understand correctly)...

But the functionality would be something like:
- if color selected (rgb or #) replace color with new color
else insert new color as #

I'm not a Textmate programmer (just user) so please forgive me if I  
don't offer to make the changes myself...

I would be happy to work with somebody to get it working though...

There is also another email just about having a color picker always  
available (a lá HTML editing in BBEdit):

This would be a good start.


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