[TxMt] Re: Getting out of incremental search

Charilaos Skiadas skiadas at hanover.edu
Thu Apr 5 13:51:12 UTC 2007

On Apr 5, 2007, at 9:41 AM, Steve Lianoglou wrote:

> Hi,
>> As it happens, my finger memory seems to have ctrl-a ingrained for  
>> ending isearch, although I suspect that at times I would also use  
>> (or try to use) ctrl-b, f, e, p, and n or maybe even an actual  
>> arrow key.
>> Speaking for myself, I rarely want to edit an isearch field.  
>> Again, that's probably due to 15 years of emacs habits where  
>> isearch fields couldn't be edited even if I had wanted to. But the  
>> upshot is that I really miss the ability to end the isearch by  
>> moving the cursor.
> As a non emacs-refugee I actually find the current behavior more  
> intuitive -- as in, I'd expect to be able to edit the search term  
> (and happy that ctrl-a/e hop around in there while I'm playing with  
> it) while in incremental search mode.
I suppose it really depends on your main use case. If you use it to  
quickly navigate around, i.e. perhaps in a ruby file searching for  
"def" to move you among the various methods and then the arrow keys/ 
emacs bindings to move closer to where you want to be, then having to  
take the extra step is a bit of a nuisance. After all you don't have  
to do something like that after using cmd-G.

I personally don't use the incremental search much, but I would  
expect that I would rarely feel the need to edit the search field, at  
least in the sense of moving about. I might use the delete key, but  
that's about it.

> Just my 2 cents,
> -steve

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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