[TxMt] Indent size different from tab size

James Milne james.milne at mac.com
Fri Oct 27 13:09:29 UTC 2006


I am working a lot with source code written using Emacs on Linux. The  
prevailing convention is that tabs are presented as 8 spaces, but  
indents are only 4 spaces. Indenting will insert spaces, and Emacs  
seems to swap groups of 8 spaces for a tab.

If I use a tab size of 8 in Textmate, the source files display  
correctly. Sadly, there is no way to tell Textmate to use an indent  
size of 4.

It would be very useful is it was possible to tell TextMate to:
1. Draw tabs as 8 spaces
2. Use spaces when indenting
3. Intend with 4 spaces, not the 8 spaces from a tab

Is there any way to do this with TextMate at the moment?

I'm using TextMate 1.5.3 (1215)

Kind regards,
James Milne

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