[TxMt] Re: Is this for real?

thomas Aylott oblivious at subtlegradient.com
Wed Nov 22 16:57:08 UTC 2006

On Nov 21, 2006, at 9:59 PM, Jacob Rus wrote:
> ...  I don't think lifting the bundles wholesale is going to do  
> much use for anyone.
> -Jacob

I could hardly disagree more ;)

I love TextMate, but I like the bundles more.

I love the idea of tmBundles (and their associated innards) being  
completely application agnostic.
I would love for the bundle community to have an influx of seriously  
talented programmers. How could that possibly hurt us?

The fact is that Windows has the largest number of total users. And  
Linux has a massive collection of brilliantly talented sharing  
developers. I think it could only help us for all of these developers  
to have an application (or applications) that take advantage of  
TextMate's bundle formats.

The only people who might not want anyone making a bundle utilizing  
app would be Apple. Since so many people have bought macs just to use  
TextMate. Other then them, maybe Allan. But he made these formats  
open and has absolutely no interest in making TextMate cross-platform.

I think this will be good for Allan. This is good for TextMate. But,  
mostly, this is great for me and all the other programmers on earth.  
Thanks to Allan (and probly a few other people), we have these great  
open formats that don't trap our code into proprietary boxes. Soon  
we'll have even more great people improving TextMate by making and  
improving the bundles.

I do worry that if we ever lost Allan leading the pack, we would lose  
all direction and would gain some serious bloat. We have to make dang  
sure we help Allan keep TextMate in control of these formats. At  
least until they're advanced to a point where it wouldn't be easy to  
break them.

Can you imagine a distant future where even BBEdit, Dreamweaver and  
Visual Studio are compatable with the TextMate bundles? How stinking  
awesome would that be? Every developer on earth would get to go blind  
with my themes ;)

thomas Aylott — design42 — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg

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