[TxMt] HTML: lookup element-reference on de.selfhtml.org

Niko Dittmann ni-di at web.de
Wed Mar 22 12:12:18 UTC 2006

for all the germans using textmate for html-coding this little  
command will lookup the current html-element on selfhtml.org. i'm  
sorry as of now there's no english version of this excellent website  

regards, niko.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# open element reference on de.selfhtml.org
# this is certainly a BAD implementation
# works for me, though
# any improvements are highly appreciated
# niko.

require 'net/http'
$tag_name = ENV["TM_CURRENT_WORD"].to_s

# get the elemnte.htm and attribute.htm:
Net::HTTP.start( 'de.selfhtml.org', 80 ) do |http|
   $html_elemente = http.get( "/html/referenz/elemente.htm" ).body
   $html_attribute = http.get( "/html/referenz/attribute.htm" ).body

# strip the head and the current tag:
$html_elemente.gsub!(/(<!.*<body>).*(<h2><a class="an" name="# 

# prepend "elemente.htm" to anchor-links:

# the current tag:
$html_attribute.gsub!(/.*(<h2><a class="an" name="#{$tag_name}"># 

# prepend "elemente.htm" to anchor-links:

# concat the two strings:
$html = $html_elemente + $html_attribute

# turn relative links into absolute links (for hrefs and imgs):

# output the html
puts $html

niko dittmann <ni-di at web.de>

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