[TxMt] Re: View List Problem

Charilaos Skiadas cskiadas at uchicago.edu
Tue Jul 11 17:40:57 UTC 2006

What I would suggest is that you pretty-print the hash results right  
after you populate it, so that you know which key is problematic.
I would guess though that your problem might be this line:
results[:match] = html_escape($1)

It will not match anything, since there is no group in the regexp. I  
don't know what you use that for, but you might want to change it a bit.
On Jul 11, 2006, at 12:21 PM, Mike Mellor wrote:

> I was probably a little too brief on the description of my problem...
> I am trying to modify a command in the GTD bundle that is based on  
> a command in the TODO bundle.  The command goes through all of the  
> files in a given directory, and creates a list grouped by the  
> context of each line in the files that is displayed as an HTML  
> document.  The TODO version greps each line, which is problematic  
> when I have similar contexts, such as TASK and WORK_TASK (also,  
> having a context word in any other line will also generate a false  
> true).  I have modified the code to compare string values for the  
> context and the first word in each line.  I think that this  
> comparison is working properly, but I am having trouble with the  
> resulting list.  It should show a context as a header, then the  
> file name, line number, and content of each line for that context.   
> It currently shows the filename and line number, but not the content.
> With that additional information, can anyone see what's going  
> wrong?  Thanks.
> Mike
> On 7/10/06, Mike Mellor < alaskamike at gmail.com> wrote:I am trying  
> to modify my view lists command.  It is based on the TODO
> bundle command, but I am trying to use string comparison instead of
> regexp to test lines.  As far as I can tell, the sorting is going ok,
> but I'm having trouble with the output.  It seems to show everything
> except for the task itself (the content).  Here is the code, any idea
> what's going wrong?  Thanks.
> Mike
> #!/usr/bin/env ruby
> $myPath = ENV['TM_DIRECTORY']
> $tags = [] #user defined contexts
> def readContexts(a)
>    # processes contexts.gtd into script
>    context, tabCommand, tabString, regex, color = a.split(/\|/)
>    $tags.push({:label => context, :regexp => regex, :color =>
> color, :matches => []})
> end
> require "#{ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH']}/lib/textmate"
> require "erb"
> include ERB::Util
> def TextMate.file_link (file, line = 0)
>    return "txmt://open/?url=file://" +
>      file.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9.-\/]/) { |m| sprintf("%%%02X", m[0]) } +
>      "&line=" + line.to_s
> end
> # the contexts.gtd file is read, and converted into $contexts
> file = File.open($myPath+"/contexts.gtd", "r")
> file.each do |line|
>    readContexts(line)
> end
> # sorting happens
> $tags.each do |tag|
>      context = tag[:label]
>      myFiles = Dir.entries($myPath)
>      myFiles.each do |fileName|
>        if (fileName[-3,3] == "gtd") and (fileName != " contexts.gtd")
>          lineno = 0
>          mFile = File.open(fileName)
>          mFile.each do |line|
>            lineno = lineno + 1
>            re = /\s/
>            ctask = re.match(line)
>            if ctask.pre_match == context
>              results = {
>                :file => fileName[0..-5],
>                :line => lineno,
>                :content => ctask.post_match
>              }
>              results[:match] = html_escape($1)
>              tag[:matches] << results
>            end
>          end
>        end
>      end
> end
> tmpl_file = "#{ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT']}/template.rhtml"
> puts ERB.new(File.open(tmpl_file), 0, '<>').result


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