[TxMt] autosorting of language

Timothy Bates timothy.c.bates at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 01:14:19 UTC 2006

i made a fairly complex match in a language (mx - a structural  
equation modeling package)

The language formatter mis-sorts the capture list (sorts on the basis  
of first digit, not on the numeric value of the match number).

Doesn't affect function, but it is a bit messy to read.

Here it is after autosorting:

{	name = 'meta.Start.values.matrices.mx';
    match = '(?i)^\s*(Start|Value)\s+(\d*\.?\d*)\s+([A-Z])\s+(\d*)?\s* 
((\d+)|([^, ]+))\s+((\d+)|([^, ]+))(\s(to|-)\s+([A-Z])\s+(\d*)?\s*((\d 
+)|([^, ]+))\s+((\d+)|([^, \n]+)))?';
	captures =
	{	1 = { name = 'keyword.control.start.mx'; };
		10 = { name = 'constant.mx'; };
		12 = { name = 'keyword.control.to.mx'; };
		13 = { name = 'support.other.variable.matrix.mx'; };
		14 = { name = 'constant.numeric.mx'; };
		16 = { name = 'constant.numeric.mx'; };
		17 = { name = 'constant.mx'; };
		19 = { name = 'constant.numeric.mx'; };
		2 = { name = 'constant.numeric.mx'; };
		20 = { name = 'constant.mx'; };
		3 = { name = 'support.other.variable.matrix.mx'; };
		4 = { name = 'constant.numeric.mx'; };
		6 = { name = 'constant.numeric.mx'; };
		7 = { name = 'constant.mx'; };
		9 = { name = 'constant.numeric.mx'; };

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