[TxMt] R bundle: Execute line / selection

Hans-Joerg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Fri Dec 15 14:09:16 UTC 2006


I looked at the R-bundle command 'Execute Line / Selection'.

I rewrote this command to improve it and fasten it a bit, at least in  
my eyes.

Changes for this command and for the language grammar 'R console':
I compiled the AppleScript and saved it as 'Run only'. This is a bit  
Furthermore within this script I use the clipboard to pass the  
command to R, and I also get back R's result via the clipboard.
This has a nice side-effect for the encoding problems:
Example: If I type 'print("Immer €rger mit Jšrg")'
I will get back '[1] "Immer Ärger mit Jörg"' with the 'old' version  
caused by the UTF-8 encoding.
If I do it via the clipboard then it outputs the string correctly,  
but if you have a look at R.app you see weird characters.
And finally I took care about the AppleScript file size, because it  
remembers the the 'oldtext' and 'text_area'. So, I set these  
variables to "" and the end.

Of course, to use the clipboard will destroy its content, but this  
can be discussed.

To work with the AppleScript tm_get_r.scpt you have to copy the  
attached script to R-bundle's /Support/bin folder, or you can compile  
it by yourself.

If you have a TM window set to R console scope, and you enter a  
command like '> 3*3' the script now is checking whether R.app is  
running. If not it opens it, waits 5 seconds, hides R.app, and sends  
the command to R.

I changed the language grammar for 'R console' to be able to do the  
I type '4+' press ENTER, R returns '+ ' to complete my command. If  
you type now '4' the old grammar ignores that.
So I changed the line 'begin = ...' within the grammar to:
{	scopeName = 'source.r-console';
	fileTypes = ( );
	patterns = (
		{	name = 'source.r.embedded.r-console';
			begin = '^[>|\+] ';
			end = '\n|\z';
			beginCaptures = { 0 = { name = 'punctuation.section.embedded.r- 
console'; }; };
			patterns = ( { include = 'source.r'; } );

Now you can type as usual.

If R asks for an user input via 'readline' you can't just type the  
answer and press ENTER because TM's command expects '> ' or '+ ' at  
the beginning of the line.
To solve it here's a suggestion:
If the last line of R's return is not '> ' or '+ ' I insert '\n> '.  
It is not standard but now you can type the answer straightforward.

I suppressed any error message coming from AppleScript. E.g., if you  
type '?C' and R.app is not running, R starts, and shows the help, but  
meanwhile AppleScript wants to have the content, but it does not get  
it. Thus AppleScript outputs an error, but there is no error. In such  
a case R's return is nothing and by using the suggestion of 4) you  
have a '> ' and no error message at the last line in TM.

I only changed the code, not the input/output settings.

Here comes the new code for 'Execute Line /Selection':

echo -e `tail -c+2` | pbcopy

# check whether R.app is running
if [ $(ps -xc | grep ' R$' | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then
	open -a R
	# sleeps for 5 sec - can be fine-tuned
	sleep 5
	osascript <<-AS
		tell application "System Events"
			set visible of process "R" to false
		end tell

osascript "$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT/bin/tm_get_r.scpt" &>/dev/null

RES=$(pbpaste | tail -n +2)
echo -en "$RES"

NL=$(echo -en "$RES" | tail -n 1)
if [ "$NL" != "> " -a "$NL" != "+ " ]; then
	echo -en "\n> "

# source code for 'tm_get_r'
# tell application "System Events"
#	-- Get a reference to the text field
#	set text_area to (process "R")'s (window "R Console")'s (scroll  
area 1)'s text area 1
#	-- Get text before and after our command
#	set oldtext to text_area's value
#	tell application "R" to cmd (the clipboard)
#	set newtext to text_area's value
#	-- Find the difference between old and new
#	set the clipboard to text from ((oldtext's length) + 1) to -1 of  
#	set oldtext to ""
#	set newtext to ""
#	set text_area to ""
# end tell

Any comments?

Is there someone who is quasi responsible for this bundle?

All the best,


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