[TxMt] Re: Useful ruby commands - anyone interested?

Allan Odgaard throw-away-1 at macromates.com
Thu Nov 24 18:54:51 UTC 2005

On 24/11/2005, at 13:12, Benjamin Jackson wrote:

>> [...] It will execute the current line or selection via Ruby and  
>> insert the
>> result (either using .to_s or .inspect, depending on the result  
>> type).
> Yeah, but the script I linked to actually runs the program and  
> gives you (almost) real-time debugging while you're editing the file.

Yes, it was only meant for the latter part. Btw: DHH told me he was  
using the Web Preview with Filter Through… some (ruby) script that  
ran his stuff, to give realtime debugging. In many cases, I presume  
just providing “ruby” as the filter, will work (as long as the script  
output useful info).

> Do you have any good ruby one-liners that you use a lot?

I mostly use ctrl-shift E to do math (since it's a menu choice  
shorter than using the math bundle).

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