[TxMt] Feature Request: Full Project Path of File in Window Title Bar

Tom Lazar tom at tomster.org
Wed Mar 9 13:16:30 UTC 2005

On 09.03.2005, at 12:55, Eric Ocean wrote:

> to show the last 3 file path components, which is all I need at this 
> time). I hope you'll include native support in a future release.

that sounds reasonable. I second this. perhaps even using a slider in 
the preference pance:

number of parents to show in document title: 
(like the folder depth widget in the quicksilver catalog preferences)

or perhaps as a project specific setting: have a menu entry in the 
contextual menu of the project drawer "include until here in docuemnt 

that might be even better: if you set a fixed depth to say, 3 and then 
move down one folder you could end up with 'trunk' as your root.

just my $0.02,

tom lazar <tom at tomster.org>

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