[TxMt] HTML bundle & HTML usage ( Was: Input Patterns?)

Mats Persson mats at imediatec.co.uk
Tue Apr 5 12:31:34 UTC 2005

Just a quick note to mention that I have updated the HTML bundle on the 
SVN repos, so anyone using HTML might want to check it out, and comment 
on what's missing, wrong etc. It's still work in progress.

Known issues, missing or under work items:
-- Better Syntax highlighting (along the lines of the stuff in the PHP 
bundle) is 'ready' and waiting for b6 to check that everything is 
working OK.
-- <!-- Toggle Comments -->  Command is being refined to work in almost 
any scenario.
-- more snippets
-- No ReadMe doc finished yet (in progress)

-- Syntax file as HTML above
-- /* Toggle Comments */  Command as HTML above
-- Loads of useful snippets is still to be done. PLEASE HELP if you 
have any ready

-- Syntax file as HTML above (vastly improved if I may say so myself 
;-) )
--  // Toggle Comments  Command
-- Loads of useful snippets is still to be done. PLEASE HELP if you 
have any ready

If you are working with web development please help me make TM the 
kick-ass app for web work flow.  I am looking for help with basic 
generic HTML/CSS/JS snippets, commands, macros etc, but I'm also hoping 
to create a better XHTML bundle with Web Standards as the key aim and 
ready snippets with chunks of code in them and so on.  All of this 
takes time, so I sure could do with the help ;-)

Now onto something that made me smile & LOL.

On 5 Apr 2005, at 09:23, Jeroen van der Ham wrote:
> On 05-04-2005 09:22, Steve Lianoglou wrote:
>> On Apr 4, 2005, at 11:56 PM, Jeroen van der Ham wrote:
>>> Why would you want to setup a snippet for <br /> ?
>>> If you're using too many br-tags in your HTML document, you're not 
>>> doing it right...
>> Thanks for the lesson in semantic web development, Jeroen .. but it 
>> was just meant to be a trivial example to get the question across.
> Sorry, just couldn't resist and there are still so many people out 
> there doing it wrong...

Steve, just in case you need it there's a <br /> snippet in the HTML 
bundle that triggers on Cmd + Return, which I think is quite handy. 
There's even a   [Non-breaking-space] snippet that triggers on Cmd 
+ Space.  Just in case you need to go back to the good old days of bad 
HTML ;-)

>> <img src="/images/clear.gif" width="${1:width}" height="{2:height}" 
>> alt="Make some Room" />$3
> Aaargh! Use XHTML and CSS !
> <div class="makeSpace"/>
> css:
> .makeSpace { width=x; height=y; }
> ;-)

Classy, absolutely classy, Jeroen !!  No offence intended Steve, yours 
was good too, but a bit too subtle (You did it as a joke, right ?)

Kind regards,


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