[TxMt] feature request: timeout on highlighting

Brian Lalor blalor at bravo5.org
Sat Dec 4 11:13:47 UTC 2004

On Dec 3, 2004, at 9:47 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> Scanning for folding markers OTOH is not lazy, and that's currently  
> the (huge) bottleneck in loading files

That's probably what I'm seeing; that or just the time it takes to load  
a 1.5M file.  Most files I work with are quite a bit smaller.

My XML syntax is here[1], and the folding properties are:
foldingStartMarker = "^\\s*(<[^!?%/](?!.+?/>)|<[!%]--(?!.+?--%?>)|<%[!]?
foldingStopMarker  = "(</[^?]+?>|[/%]>|-->)\\s*$";

This is supposed to start folds on the following text:
... but not if the line looks like this:
	<!-- -->
	<%-- --%>
	<% %>
	<%! %>
	<foo />

It's not exactly lightweight; I'd think I'd prefer to see a more  
flexible folding-marker system that would allow me to define pairs of  
start/end markers.  That keep blocks like
from getting folded.


    __   ____
   / /  / __/ Brian Lalor
  / _ \/__ \  blalor at bravo5.org
/_.__/____/  http://bravo5.org/

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