I have created a new project that distills out only the minimum code needed for this plugin to send a message to the active window. You can download it <a href="http://fowpas.net/ViMate.zip">here</a> (<a href="http://fowpas.net/ViMate.zip">
http://fowpas.net/ViMate.zip</a>). It of course does not work but I am hoping that someone may be able to tell me why. Here is the most relevant code.<br><br><br><br>@implementation ViPlugin<br>- (id)initWithPlugInController:(id <TMPlugInController>)aController
<br>{<br> NSLog( @"we have lift off!" );<br> [ViWindow poseAsClass:[NSWindow class]];<br> <br> return [super init];<br>}<br>@end<br><br><br><br><br><br>@implementation ViWindow<br>- (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent
<br>{<br> if ( [theEvent type] == NSKeyDown ) {<br> if ( [[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] characterAtIndex: 0] == 'h' ) {<br> NSLog( @"we are trying to move left." );<br> [[NSApplication sharedApplication] sendAction: @selector(moveLeft:) to: nil from: self];
<br> } else {<br> [super sendEvent:theEvent];<br> }<br> } else {<br> [super sendEvent:theEvent];<br> }<br>}<br>@end<br><br><br><br><br>thanks<br>kirt<br><br>