<div class="gmail_quote">does anyone know if there's a way to invoke another textmate command from within a textmate command?<br><br>for example, i have a formatted output command that writes info to a clean html window... i want to have a compile command that gathers information, compiles, and then passes that resulting messages to the to the formatted output–the goal being to avoid copying my formatted output to every command that needs to output to an html window.<br>
<br>i assume i can invoke the formatted output command using osascript and passing the gathered information via 'defaults write com...', but this seems like a sloppy fix<br><br>ideally i could just do something like: `echo "$gatheredInfoArray" | $TM_BUNDLE_DIRECTORY/MyBundle.tmBundle/formattedOutput.sh`<br>
<br>any ideas??<br><br>thanks a bunch,<br><font color="#888888">-matt<br><br>