[txmt-dev] Re: GEDCOM bundle

Rob Burrowes r.burrowes at auckland.ac.nz
Tue Jan 15 00:22:31 UTC 2013

I'll have to figure out how to upload it to Textmate then. I've never 
done it before.

Meantime, you could use the bundle editor and paste in what I did.

Under the Bundles menu, select "Show Bundle Editor", which gives you the 
bundle editor window.
Click on + (bottom left) and select "New Bundle" and name it Ged

With Ged selected, click on + again and select "New Language" and name 
it Ged. You will get a default script in the edit part of the window.
Select all that script text and delete it.
Then paste in the script below. When you click back on the main Ged 
entry, it should start working.

{    scopeName = 'source.ged';
     firstLineMatch = '0 HEAD';
     fileTypes = ( 'ged' );
     patterns = (
         {    name = 'keyword.control.ruby';
             comment = "everything being a reserved word, not a value 
and needing a 'end' is a..";
             match = '\b(INDI|FAM|SOUR|NOTE|REPO|HEAD|TRLR|OBJE)\b$';
         {    name = 'keyword.block.ruby';
             comment = "everything being a reserved word, not a value 
and needing a 'end' is a..";
             match = '^0';
         {    name = 'comment.xref.ged';
             comment = "everything being a reserved word, not a value 
and needing a 'end' is a..";
             match = '^1 \b(FAMC|FAMS)\b';
         {    name = 'entity.control.ged';
             comment = "everything being a reserved word, not a value 
and needing a 'end' is a..";
             match = '^1 [A-Z]+(?![?!])';
         {    name = 'string.control.ged';
             comment = "everything being a reserved word, not a value 
and needing a 'end' is a..";
             match = '^2 [A-Z]+(?![?!])';
         {    name = 'constant.control.ged';
             comment = "everything being a reserved word, not a value 
and needing a 'end' is a..";
             match = '^3 [A-Z]+(?![?!])';
         {    name = 'support.control.ged';
             comment = "everything being a reserved word, not a value 
and needing a 'end' is a..";
             match = '^4 [A-Z]+(?![?!])';
         {    name = 'storage.control.ged';
             comment = "everything being a reserved word, not a value 
and needing a 'end' is a..";
             match = '^[5-9] [A-Z]+(?![?!])';
         {    name = 'variable.xref.ged';
             comment = "everything being a reserved word, not a value 
and needing a 'end' is a..";
             match = '@.*@';

Click on + again, and select "New Command" and name it validate.
In the "Activation" "Key Equivalent" text box (bottom right hand side) 
add control shift V (standard for validation).
Select all the text in the Script Editor, and delete it, then paste in 
the script below.
You will need to do an "sudo gem install gedcom" and "sudo gem install 
VersionCheck" in a terminal window.

With a GEDCOM file open, you can type control shift V, and you should 
get a new text window with the results of the GEDCOM parsers test of the 
GEDCOM file.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# just to remind you of some useful environment variables
# see Help / Environment Variables for the full list
#echo File: "$TM_FILEPATH"
#echo Word: "$TM_CURRENT_WORD"
#echo Selection: "$TM_SELECTED_TEXT"
#sudo gem install VersionCheck
#sudo gem install gedcom
require 'rubygems'
require 'gedcom'
require 'versioncheck'
  file = ENV["TM_FILEPATH"]
  puts "###########################################"
  puts "Gedcom opening #{file}"
  puts "###########################################"
if VersionCheck.rubyversion.have_at_least_version?(1,9)
   g = Gedcom.file("#{file}", "r:ASCII-8BIT") #OK with LF line endings.
   g = Gedcom.file("#{file}", "r") #OK with LF line endings.
  puts "###########################################"
  puts "Gedcom Consistency test"
  puts "###########################################"
  puts "###########################################"
  puts "Gedcom Summary"
  puts "###########################################"

On 15/01/13 10:01 AM, Amiel Martin wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> I'd be interested in your GEDCOM bundle and gem...
> -Amiel
> -Amiel
> http://carnesmedia.com
> On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Rob Burrowes 
> <r.burrowes at auckland.ac.nz <mailto:r.burrowes at auckland.ac.nz>> wrote:
>     I have been working with a lot of GEDCOM files lately, so
>     yesterday i created a simple bundle to color the keywords (GEDCOM
>     is a text database format for genealogy data). If anyone is
>     interested, I can make it available to others.
>     I had previously written a GEDCOM parser in ruby, and this is
>     available as a Ruby Gem. The validation script requires the gem to
>     be installed.
>     -- 
>     Rob Burrowes                    Ph: +64 9 923 2308
>     <tel:%2B64%209%20923%202308> (Internal 82308)
>     Research Data Services          Cell: +64 27 4731856
>     <tel:%2B64%2027%204731856> (internal 64209)
>     Technical Lead
>     Centre for eResearch
>     The University of Auckland
>     Private Bag 92019 http://www.sit.auckland.ac.nz/~rob
>     <http://www.sit.auckland.ac.nz/%7Erob>
>     Auckland Mail Centre http://www.burrowes.org/
>     Auckland 1142 http://www.wikarekare.org/
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Rob Burrowes                    Ph:   +64 9 923 2308 (Internal 82308)
Research Data Services          Cell: +64 27 4731856 (internal 64209)
Technical Lead
Centre for eResearch
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019               http://www.sit.auckland.ac.nz/~rob
Auckland Mail Centre            http://www.burrowes.org/
Auckland 1142                   http://www.wikarekare.org/

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