[SVN] r9810 (C#)

Matthew Winter wintermi at teratools.com
Sat May 31 05:38:16 UTC 2008

- Property snippets modified to provide the default "Get" and "Set" actions.
  Mirroring used to perform name changes between the Property and object attribute
  Automatically performing the camelCase of the PascalCase property name
  -- Based on a patch provided by Seth A.Roby (Thanks)

- Property triggers changed to be "r" and "rw" to match the Ruby convention
- Renamed properties in the menu to be "Property (Read-Only)" and "Property (Read-Write)"
- Renamed the property files accordingly to be "Property RO.tmSnippet" and "Property RW.tmSnippet"
- Added "Using" snippet
- Added "Singleton Class" snippet

U   trunk/Review/Bundles/C#.tmbundle/Snippets/Private Method.tmSnippet
A   trunk/Review/Bundles/C#.tmbundle/Snippets/Property RO.tmSnippet
A   trunk/Review/Bundles/C#.tmbundle/Snippets/Property RW.tmSnippet
D   trunk/Review/Bundles/C#.tmbundle/Snippets/Property.tmSnippet
U   trunk/Review/Bundles/C#.tmbundle/Snippets/Public Method.tmSnippet
D   trunk/Review/Bundles/C#.tmbundle/Snippets/Read-Only Property.tmSnippet
A   trunk/Review/Bundles/C#.tmbundle/Snippets/Singleton Class.tmSnippet
A   trunk/Review/Bundles/C#.tmbundle/Snippets/Using.tmSnippet
U   trunk/Review/Bundles/C#.tmbundle/info.plist

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