[SVN] r9758 (Subversion (Interactive Input))

Luke Daley ld at ldaley.com
Tue May 27 09:00:13 UTC 2008

Reworking of the update command…

This has been split out into 3 components: the actual execution of svn update, parsing of the output into a model, and rendering that result into html.

It has also been divorced from the `svn status` code. While there are similarities, trying to share the code made it pretty hard to follow.

I have also changed the strategy for styling the html. Each of the the style.css files now include common.css. This is opposed to including the css in view render.

I have also deleted the ‘Update Entire Project (Update Selected Files to Newest (HEAD))’ as it was excluded from the menu and duplicates the existing update command.

D   branches/Subversion (Interactive Input).tmbundle/Commands/Update Entire Project.plist
U   branches/Subversion (Interactive Input).tmbundle/Commands/Update to Latest.plist
A   branches/Subversion (Interactive Input).tmbundle/Support/bin/update.rb
U   branches/Subversion (Interactive Input).tmbundle/Support/css/bright/style.css
A   branches/Subversion (Interactive Input).tmbundle/Support/css/common.css
U   branches/Subversion (Interactive Input).tmbundle/Support/css/dark/style.css
U   branches/Subversion (Interactive Input).tmbundle/Support/css/default/style.css
U   branches/Subversion (Interactive Input).tmbundle/Support/css/halloween/style.css
U   branches/Subversion (Interactive Input).tmbundle/Support/css/shiny/style.css
U   branches/Subversion (Interactive Input).tmbundle/Support/lib/subversion.rb
A   branches/Subversion (Interactive Input).tmbundle/Support/lib/update_result.rb
A   branches/Subversion (Interactive Input).tmbundle/Support/view/
A   branches/Subversion (Interactive Input).tmbundle/Support/view/update_result_html.rb
U   branches/Subversion (Interactive Input).tmbundle/info.plist

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