[SVN] bundle size

Ciarán Walsh ciawal at gmail.com
Tue May 20 22:26:16 UTC 2008

On 20 May 2008, at 18:04, Daniel Stockman wrote:

> Yeah, I'd say that's gargantuan. A better approach would be the one  
> used by the PHP bundle, using tooltip hinting for basic argument  
> usage, and popping up a browser window linking to the doc page when  
> ^H is pressed.

The PHP bundle actually allows users users to download the  
documentation and set an environment variable in the TM preferences to  
point to the path, and then the bundle will use the local version  
instead of accessing the website.
This gives the best of both worlds – it works out of the box, but  
people who want faster/offline access can download it and use it  

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