[SVN] r7673 (SQL)

Ciarán Walsh ciawal at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 11:51:57 UTC 2007

• If no password is stored, attempt a connection with a blank password before prompting the user. This fixes an issue which would prompt the user for a password with invalid connections (e.g. non-existent hosts).
• When attempting to store a password which already has an entry in Keychain, give an informative explanation to the user on how to fix the problem.
• For connection errors, print the error and give a link to open the configuration dialog.

U   branches/WIP/Bundles/SQL.tmbundle/Support/bin/db_browser.rb
U   branches/WIP/Bundles/SQL.tmbundle/Support/bin/db_browser_lib.rb
U   branches/WIP/Bundles/SQL.tmbundle/Support/install.html
U   branches/WIP/Bundles/SQL.tmbundle/Support/templates/head.rhtml

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