[SVN] r6583 (OCaml)

Michael Sheets mummer at whitefalls.org
Wed Feb 14 03:08:11 UTC 2007

(Had some slight email issues this morning so can't reply to the  
correct message :/)

Taking a look at the validator there are 25 new invalid scopes in the  
two new Ocaml grammars, ocamllex and ocamlyacc. They appear to mostly  
just be missing second/third levels.

Are you using the cutting edge builds? It marks these all as invalid,  
and has a completion command bound to ⎋(esc).

entity.name.token.* for instance should be entity.name.type.token.*
punctuation.embedded should be punctuation.section.embedded
punctuation.type-declaration should be punctuation.definition.type- 

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