[SVN] r4123 (Subversion)

Allan Odgaard throw-away-1 at macromates.com
Tue Jul 11 18:22:35 UTC 2006

On 11/7/2006, at 18:39, Chris Thomas wrote:

>> Right, but it doesn't seem to work in this case. Comment out the  
>> "2>&1" in the svn_add function, you get no error output at all.
> More precisely: create a situation in which svn add will return an  
> error for one of the status items. In the displayTail function, if  
> you comment out the statement beginning  
> "document.getElementById..." and uncomment the rest of the code,  
> and then uncomment the lines in SVNCommand concerning errorString,  
> you'll get both an error box and an info box with the error text.
> Then comment out the '+ 2>&1' in the svn_add function, and you  
> should get just an error box, but, instead, there's no output at all.

Ah, okay -- that’s a bug affecting the synchronous mode. I have fixed  
it now. There was also a problem getting the proper result code from  
the task (since this was delivered through a TaskDidExit notification  
which wasn’t received until after returning the result object to JS.)

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