[SVN] ctags command

Allan Odgaard throw-away-1 at macromates.com
Wed Jan 25 21:51:45 UTC 2006

On 8/1/2006, at 20:18, Matthew Gilbert wrote:

> 1. The binary is PPC. If you believe the rumors this will be an  
> issue in a couple of days.

And AFAIK TM will need to run under Rosetta if one of the commands  
launch a PPC executable (but this is second hand, from a user -- it  
sounds strange).

> 3. Maybe the default behavior of searching to '/' for a tags file  
> is inappropriate?

We do that for Xcode projects as well, so I think it's a good  
solution (and you have the variable to specify the file).

> 6. Expects Python 2.3 (which ships with Tiger). This will not work  
> for Panther users without first unzipping the archive. Are there  
> many folks not using Tiger?

Last I checked roughly 8% of TM users are on Panther :(

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