[SVN] Revision 895 (PHP)

Kumar McMillan kumar.mcmillan at gmail.com
Thu May 12 03:55:39 UTC 2005

On 5/11/05, Mats Persson <mats at imediatec.co.uk> wrote:
> -- Commented out all the PHP functions again, as they are still  too slow for use.
> Inherent problem in TM at the moment  I guess/hope ;-)

just curious, was this slow on beta 8 as well?
Does anyone know if it would speed things up to define all function
keywords in one big match  instead of how they were, separated by
category (i.e. apache functions, curl functions, etc)?.  This would
also be easier to maintain since you can grab the latest like php -r
"\$fn=get_defined_functions(); echo implode('|',\$fn['internal']);"
... or something similar.

> Changed:
> U   trunk/Bundles/PHP.tmbundle/Syntaxes/PHP.plist
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