[SVN] Bundle commit 481

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Mon Mar 14 21:30:55 UTC 2005

On Mar 14, 2005, at 22:20, Kumar McMillan wrote:

> Sorry for the inconvenience, I removed the default key equivalent for 
> Function/ Entity Nav and Special Items Popup.  I realized that key 
> equivalents are prime real estate and this should be left up to the 
> users (i.e. make a copy of a command and place it in Custom if you 
> want to map to a key equivalent).

I've considered saving only the differences in ~/Library/... Which is 
quite easy, since each bundle item is a property list, so I'd just have 
to merge them, starting with the default one of course.

That way, if a user change the key equivalent for a default item, and 
that default item is updated, the user would still get the changes, but 
with his chosen key equivalent.

The downside is that the stuff in ~/Library/... isn't self-contained. 
But I'm not sure if this would actually pose a problem -- as long as 
the user duplicates a default item, or move it to another bundle, it 
will store a full copy in ~/Library/...

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