[SVN] Revision 1190 (XML)

Jeroen van der Ham jeroen at je-ju.net
Tue Jun 14 14:24:16 UTC 2005

- Small bugfix to the long attribute tag snippet
- Moved the other snippets to their new names (which they already had within TM)

D   trunk/Bundles/XML.tmbundle/Snippets/010 long tag.plist
D   trunk/Bundles/XML.tmbundle/Snippets/020 short tag.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/XML.tmbundle/Snippets/long attribute tag.plist
A   trunk/Bundles/XML.tmbundle/Snippets/long tag.plist
A   trunk/Bundles/XML.tmbundle/Snippets/short tag.plist

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