[SVN] Revision 1391 (Latex)

Eric Hsu erichsu at math.sfsu.edu
Thu Jul 28 20:18:18 UTC 2005

At 2:53 PM -0500 7/28/05, Brad Miller wrote:
>I was poking at Latexmk earlier this summer.  Latexmk is a perl 
>script that takes care of the whole build for you running latex, 
>bibtex, makeindex as many times as necessary and in the proper order.

Wow, that program is enormous.  (I actually loaded it to see if the 
syntax colors looked right... amazingly they look pretty good.)

A very cursory look tells me most of the program is comments and 
routines to produce preview output, but still...

Can't you write a short program to run latex until the .aux file 
stays the same, or some variant of that? or checksum the produced 
.dvi or .pdf or .ps ... ?  I'm not a latex expert, but that script 
seems like overkill, especially with the TM infrastructure for 
previewing already in place...

best, Eric
Eric Hsu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
San Francisco State University
erichsu at math.sfsu.edu

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