[SVN] licenses, redistributing perl

Eric Hsu erichsu at math.sfsu.edu
Sat Feb 19 17:22:17 UTC 2005

1.  Allan notes correctly that I was using HTML::Entities, which I 
thought was a standard library but was sadly mistaken. The easiest 
solution was to include the library (it's 16K). I read the Perl 
Artistic License carefully, and it seems to say that I can 
redistribute something publicly if I don't change it. If anyone has a 
different interpretation, let me know.

2. Allan said he needed to eventually look into the license under 
which we are contributing stuff. I would think the Perl Artistic 
License works. He can still charge money for the editor and bundle 
all the extra stuff for free. We all keep our copyrights and people 
can use our work. They can even modify it if they either keep their 
changes private, or if they make it public, then the reveal the 
source and note the changes.  Note, I am not at all an expert on Open 
Source licenses...

best, Eric
Eric Hsu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
San Francisco State University
erichsu at math.sfsu.edu

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