[SVN] Bundle commit 179

William D. Neumann wneumann at cs.unm.edu
Wed Feb 2 19:18:32 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2 Feb 2005, Chris Thomas wrote:

> Yes and no. The basic idea is that there should be a minimum of top-level 
> categories, and elements that are similar should be grouped together into 
> similar categories.

Sure.  I was mainly wondering if there was some kind of standard list for 
the top-level names, and perhaps for second level as well.  For example, 
I'm using a type top-level, with variant, polyvariant, and storage as 
second level names, and I have no strings toplevel, using instead 

> The choices I make are primarily intended to group with similar elements in 
> other languages, except where I didn't recognize the construct. Yours may 
> well be superior to mine; I claim no OCaml expertise. :) So you may want to 
> replace or tweak my choices. My feelings will not be hurt. :)

Actually, most of them were pretty similar.  I just wondered if I would be 
violating some unwritten rule if I stuck with some of my earlier choices.

William D. Neumann


"There's just so many extra children, we could just feed the
children to these tigers.  We don't need them, we're not doing 
anything with them.

Tigers are noble and sleek; children are loud and messy."

         -- Neko Case

  Think of XML as Lisp for COBOL programmers.

 	-- Tony-A (some guy on /.)

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