[SVN] r2362 (Latex)

Jeroen van der Ham jeroen at je-ju.net
Fri Dec 2 17:34:02 UTC 2005

Brad Miller wrote:
>> It is still possible to do itemize, ctrl-< and end up with an itemize 
>> environment. It's now even easier, because if you then press enter, 
>> you get a \item.
> No its not.  As of the latest version of the command when I type itemize 
> followed by ctrl-< I get \itemize{} not an itemize environment as I should.

Indeed, sorry, I removed the bits in the command, because I thought that 
was wat caused the item to change to \itemize{}, which is a bit odd 

If you want to get a begin/end environment and you're happy to type 
'itemize', then why not just type ctrl-< and *then* type itemize. That 
gets you exactly the result you need.


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