[SVN] Revision 719 (PHP)

Mats Persson mats at imediatec.co.uk
Mon Apr 25 16:34:05 UTC 2005

On 25 Apr 2005, at 17:20, Kumar McMillan wrote:
>  * added PHP file extensions
>  * added firstLineMatch
> Changed:
> U   trunk/Bundles/PHP.tmbundle/Syntaxes/HTML-PHP.plist

Kumar et al, please be aware of the fact that I am working on the 
bundle in the background - having family visiting me for the first time 
in 4 years - so I have been a bit busy last few days. Should be able to 
work more Tuesday PM.

I'm not writing this to discourage anyone, just hoping to avoid 
duplication of work. Any questions/requirements in the PHP bundle can 
be forwarded to me and I'll add them. Have done much work on the bundle 
already, but need time to test it out fully before updating.

Kind regards,


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