[TxMt] focus changes

Jenny Harrison profharrison at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 16:55:14 UTC 2014

I use TextMate primarily for its Latex bundle. My pdf viewer is Skim. Everything I use is up to date, including my system and TextMate 2 revision.  Something has changed in the last two weeks which slows my work flow.  I normally use command-tab to switch between TM and Skim. I do this many times a day.  But now, each time I return to TM, my active file is no longer the focus.  I cannot even find it by cycling around with command-'.  Instead, I have to go to Window in the TM menu to find it.  The file seems to be in a different place altogether from the rest of my files, as everything slides to the left to make space for it.  Furthermore, the menu bar becomes hidden. I do not want the menu bar to disappear.  I would like to return to the way things were.  It was clean and simple.


p.s. I apologize if I am not using the correct language.

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