[TextMate] workarounds for lack of (s)ftp/external editing support?

Raena Armitage raena at raena.net
Mon Oct 25 16:52:18 UTC 2004

All I want for Christmas is world peace, an end to hunger, and for 
TextMate to either support (s)ftp or be supportive of the external 
editor thing.  As in this:

I'd become so reliant on Transmit's ability to open a text file in 
BBEdit, where I could just sit 'save' and have it upload automatically, 
that having to do it by hand again is really getting up my nose.

For the moment, can anyone recommend a way to get around this lack of 
support?  I still have BBEdit, of course, but I'd rather be using 
TextMate.  I'm not so good with shell scripting so I wouldn't know the 
first place to start where that's concerned.

Can anyone help?


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