[TextMate] Couple little gnats

Jeroen jeroen at je-ju.net
Sun Oct 17 20:08:23 UTC 2004

Phil Aaronson wrote:
> Why would you want that in the undo stack? You don't have to reach for 
> the mouse, and you don't have to be over the fold icon to unfold it. 

Well perhaps there should be a hot key for it or something.

> More importantly its what I (admittedly a newbie, or perhaps more 
> importantly as a newbie) *expected* it to do. Text vs. the 
> representation of text obviously means something to you. The difference 
> is lost on me. If I'm in a word processor and I select some text and 
> make it bold, or change the font, I expect undo to unbold it, or change 
> the font back. Is it really that controversial?

Yes! TextMate is *not* a word processor, it is a text processor! Everything 
you do with TextMate results in a file with plain text, where no fonts are 
defined, no italics, no underline, no folding, just the text. The way 
things look is simply a result of the workings of TextMate. The result of 
this is also that you can grab any editor and work on the same file: use 
TextMate, TextPad, vi(m), emacs, SubEthaEdit, BBEdit, etc.


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