[TxMt] New Wiki

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Tue Dec 14 15:19:18 UTC 2004

After reading about various wiki's (and trying a few) I ended up 
choosing PmWiki as suggested by Fred.

The new Wiki URL is: http://macromates.com/wiki/pmwiki

It has a link to a static HTML version of the old wiki before the 
accident including all the textile pages. The textile pages are 
up-to-date, but the HTML export was done the 12th December, so edits 
after the 12th of December are not in the HTML version.

I haven't imported the textile pages into PmWiki, since they'd have to 
be converted, and I'm not sure how easy I can automate this process.

So I'm thinking that maybe I should just leave the static pages and 
import them manually over time (as they are needed), which also allow 
for some restructuring of the wiki, which I think was probably overdue 
(break down most of the big pages and create a better structure).

I'm really terrible sorry about this, and I hope that it's not viewed 
as lack of appreciation for the many contributors -- I really do 
appreciate the work that has been put into the wiki!

With this new wiki it also means that I can and will take an active 
role maintaining the software side of things (which I previously 
thought I'd outsourced, but let's not point any fingers here... ;) ).

Kind regards Allan

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