[TxMt] Backgrounds and syntax coloring...

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Wed Dec 1 01:36:04 UTC 2004

On Nov 30, 2004, at 22:49, timmins wrote:

> [...] I have one minor hang up. I see all the examples on the website 
> with black backgrounds, green text, dark grey backgrounds with lighter 
> text.
> How do you alter this setting?

Currently this cannot be done from within TextMate but needs to be done 
by editing the various syntax highlight files.

If you select “Show Package Contents” for TextMate and navigate to 
Contents/SharedSupport/Bundles then here are all the default bundles, 
each containing a Syntaxes folder with files responsible for markup of 
one or more languages.

If you make changes you should copy the bundle to your 
~/Library/Application Support/TextMate folder.

Please see Help -> Bundles and Help -> Syntax Highlight for detailed 
information about this.

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