Humane text services (was: [SVN] Revision 1812 (reStructuredText))

Allan Odgaard list at
Wed Sep 21 16:39:47 UTC 2005

On 21/09/2005, at 18.25, Matthew Gilbert wrote:

> Thanks! Any other suggestions are appreciated. _matt

I'd like to see two (new) commands (for RST):

  Preview -- ctrl-option-cmd P
   -> Show current file using the HTML output (probably re-use the  
CSS from Markdown and Textile)
  Convert to HTML (in place) -- ctrl-shift H
   -> Replace entire document with the HTML version

This (convention) was initially introduced by Markdown, and also used  
with source-highlight (for sources and latex). But Textile didn't  
follow this fully, so I'd like to see that changed as well.

As for Markdown and Textile: I also think we should remove the actual  
markup language from the command names. So we'll have Markdown ->  
Preview, Textile -> Preview etc. instead of the current (redundant  
and inconsistent) naming.

I'm going to do some of this later today (if no-one beats me to it).  
Just wanted to allow for comments on it first :)

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